Buccaneer Blog Day 1 & 2 and the winner of the Literary Blog Hop is Announced…

Hello Everyone, It’s been a few days. amidst traveling about Australia with Johan and Cassidy I have been busy typing away to finish a short story for an Australian contest. I am really excited about this story, because it’s unlike any other story that I have done before. My pitch of sorts is that this story of sorts  is a Pinocchio meets Adam & Eve meets Norwegian Folklore. But, that is all I can share! Will share more later. I would like to announce the winner of the Literary Blog Hop that I was involved in. The winner is: DarleneBookNook! Please respond to this within the week. After you send me your address I will send you your book! :)

I will have a ton to write about in a few weeks. My sister is currently visiting so we have been going around and seeing as much as we can. Actually tomorrow Johan, Cassidy, and I take off on a road trip to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

July 9th

Hello, My name is Devin Lillian Berglund. I am 24-years-old. I am an American writer who lives abroad in Brisbane Australia. I graduated from Minnesota State University of Moorhead with a degree in English/Mass Communications and a Certificate in Publishing. I am currently working as an Admin. girl for a counselor in Brisbane. On the side of that I have been writing a lot. I am currently writing my first fictional novel and have been writing a few short stories here and there.

In 2010, I studied abroad on the Sunshine Coast of Australia, at a church there is where I met Johan. We have been dating for almost 2 years. After studying abroad there, I had to go home and finish my degree. Leaving in the heat of an Australian Summer and arriving back in the freezing cold winter of Minnesota was a shocker. Besides, it was hard being away from Johan. So, lets say I have some experience with long distance relationships and swear that I will write a book encouraging people with this in the future. I hadn’t been able to find enough support and encouragement for people like me and him.

After graduating, I decided to go back on a work and travel visa.

Things that inspire me: mystical animals like unicorns, dragons, owls, and fireflies. Fairytales. Princesses & Princes. People. True Love. Other Writers. Books and movies having to do with the same things. Narnia. Jesus. My family & my Love, Johan!

What I like to do other than write: travel, draw, listen to music, read good books, and spend time with family, friends, and my boyfriend.

On Monday the 9th of July Cassidy and I went to Fraser Island. There is nothing that inspires you quite like going into the wilderness. We saw so many beautiful plants, animals, and had so many awesome funny sister moments. I am thankful Cassidy is here visiting. :)

July 11-

Why you did you start blogging? What are your goals for your blog?

I started blogging a long time ago on my first blog (Xanga) which I loved. I wrote a lot on there and I guess it was more of a habitual thing that I did every day. Almost like writing in a journal, but it allowed people to read it. Then I played musical chairs in the blog world and skipped from blogger to WordPress. Finally I found something I really liked.
Now, I blog because I want to build a platform before I am published and also show my journey to being published. I also want to update people and keep track of my adventures abroad.

My goals with blogging?

I strive to inspire people. In this world there are so many people just surviving their days – day by day and why not become inspired with amazing tales that show people that they too can have huge journeys, adventures, and show them that they can conquer their obstacles and succeed.

This is a Blog Hop!

11 thoughts on “Buccaneer Blog Day 1 & 2 and the winner of the Literary Blog Hop is Announced…

  1. Nice to meet you. I’m just making it to your blog today from the Buccaneer blogfest. I so want to be in that creek in the picture right now! Good luck with the story contest.

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